
  • We are excited to offer a Youth Clinic on May 11, 2024 at 1 PM. 
    Download Youth Clinic Flyer
    This clinic is planned to be a learning experience and fun day for all youth riders and/or non-riders.  Clinicians will help the youth understand and also demonstrate the finer points of the classes listed on the flyer.  They will also answer any questions the youth and parents/guardians may have.  All youth must be accompanied by an adult 18 yrs. or older.  No stallions allowed.

Dates, times and locations are subject to change due to circumstances beyond our control.
Check the homepage, facebook or call an officer for updates.

Upcoming Events


Event Information:

  • Wed

    Meeting - POSTPONED to JAN. 15.

    6:00 pmRudi's Grill - 1913 W. Morton Ave. Jacksonville, IL